Friday 13 January 2012

MASS - de Beata Maria Virgine in Sabbato

14th , Jan 2012 Saturday of the First Week in Ordinary Time
Mary Mother of Citeaux
Votive Mass of Blessed Virgin Mary 
Magnificat []
Mary's Role in Matthew's Redemption

The work of Christ is to redeem men by making them part of himself. That work in Mary manifests itself as a maternal work of bringing forth all men in Christ, and Christ in all men. That is her function as the principal member of the Body of Christ ... Christ is both Head and the whole Body; may we not say that Mary is the Heart and in some way the whole Body also? All that comes to each member from Christ comes through her ...
Mary then is the Mother of the whole Christ. We can share in her work by bringing forth Christ in our own souls by humble and loving obedience to the will of God. We can ensure our complete union with Christ by true devotion to Mary, by a complete consecration of all that we are or have to her that she may form us in Christ, and Christ in us. She is the Gate of Heaven, by whom we enter into Christ. She is the Mother of the whole Christ.
Father Boylan (+ 1964) was a monk of the Cistercian Abbey of Mount Saint Joseph, Roscrea, Ireland.

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